CCMSU MEDICAL IMAGING 240 Duncan Mill Rd. Ste. 804,Toronto, ON M3B 3S6
Tel: 416-391-5778 Email:

Osteoporosis occurs very gradually throughout life and leads to painful and crippling fractures of the hips, vertebrae and wrists. Over 25,000 hip fractures occur every year in Canada, with total health care costs exceeding $600 million dollars per year. Both new and existing treatments offer hope for stabilizing bone mass, and reducing fractures by half.
Prevention and early treatment are the most cost-effective means of slowing the progress of osteoporosis. The objective of medical management for established osteoporotic disease is to lead patients safely out of the fracture risk zone, and to prevent long hospital stays and surgery. This is by no means a simple objective. Osteoporosis is a disorder of complex, multi-factorial etiology. Diagnosis may be a relatively simple matter, but its treatment may be complicated by a host of considerations surrounding patient medical history and other primary conditions to which the osteoporosis itself is usually secondary.
CCMSU has the latest new state-of-the-art X-ray Bone Densitometer that can diagnose your patient's bone mineral density. With your patient lying supine on a scanning table for a short period of time, we can provide you with specific information relating to fracture risk of the lumbar spine and the femoral neck. No injection is necessary, and the radiation exposure is less than 1/10 of a chest X-ray. The absence of a contrast study within one week of the test is required; otherwise there is no special preparation.
Those patients most at risk are thin boned post-menopausal white or Asian women with a history of osteoporosis in their family. As well, patients on corticosteroid and anti-seizure medication, those with hyperthyroidism, ovarian surgery before 45, smokers, and patients with low intake of calcium throughout life are also at risk. Women considering hormone replacement therapy, or those who are estrogen deficient, will also benefit from a bone mass assessment.
One quarter of all women now aged 50 will experience a serious fracture of the spine and/or of the hip during their lifetime. One out of every six will fracture their hip in Canada. The elderly are the fastest growing segment of the North American population. Identifying and treating those most at risk (25 %) will make an impact both on patient well-being and health care expenditures.
Persons at High Risk for Osteoporosis: OHIP covers annual BMD tests for individuals at high risk for osteoporosis and future fractures.
Persons at Low Risk for Osteoporosis: Individuals at low risk are eligible for a baseline BMD test and a second BMD test 3 years after the baseline. Third and subsequent BMD tests for low-risk individuals are insured by OHIP once every 5 years.